Promethean fire - Прометеев огонь
In Greek mythology, Prometheus was a Titan who
taught men the use of fire, and instructed them in
architecture, astronomy, mathematics, writing and
other arеs. The literal meaning of the Greek word protnetheus is ‘forethought’, and forethought it the father
of invention.
The story goes that Prometheus fashioned man from
clay. He molded an image similar in form to gods,
asked Eros to breathe into its nostrils the spirit of life,
and Athena P allas to endow it with a soul. Proud of
his handiwork, Prometheus longed to bestow upon the
man some great power, which would raise him far
above all other living beings, and bring him nearer to
the perfection of the immortal gods. Fire alone, in his
estimation, could effect this. But fire was the special
possession and prerogative of the gods. Prometheus
knew they would never willingly share it with man, and
that, should anyone steal it, they would never forgive
the thief. Long he pondered the matter, and finally determined to obtain fire, or die in the attempt.
One dark night he set
out for Olympus, entered
unperceived into the gods’
abode, seized a lighted
branch, hid it in his bosom, and departed unseen.
Arriving upon earth, he
gave the stolen treasure to
the man.
From his lofty throne
on the topmost peak of
Mount Olympus Zeus saw
an unusual light down
upon earth. He watched it
closely, and when he discovered the theft, his anger
burst forth and he solemnly swore he would revenge
himself and punish Prometheus without mercy. He
seized Prometheus in his mighty grasp, carried him
to the Caucasian Mountains, and chained him fast to
a great rock. A voracious vulture was summoned to
devour his liver. He tore it by his beak and talons all
day. During the night, while the bird slept, the liver
grew again, and the torture had no end.
Generation after generation of men blessed Prom etheus for the light he had obtained for them at such
a terrible cost.
After many centuries of woe, Heracles shot the vulture, broke the chains and liberated Prometheus.
The myth of Prometheus is the subject matter of the
tragedy Prometheus Bound, by Aeschylus.
The phrase Promethean fire is used to denote a
sacred fire burning in the heart of a man and giving
him inspiration.
1. Прометей в греческой мифологии — один из титанов. 2. Он похитил с неба огонь и отдал его людям. 3. З а это разгневанный Зевс приковал Прометея к скале. 4. Каждый день к скале прилетал огромный орел и клевал печень узника. 5. Это продолжалось до тех пор, пока Геркулес не убил орла и не освободил Прометея. 6. Подвиг и страдания Прометея явились темой известной трагедии Эсхила «Скованный Прометей». 7. Возникшее на основе этого мифа выражение прометеев огонь употребляется в значении: священный огонь, горящий в душе человека; стремление к достижению высоких целей.